From the desk of Colonel Clay Kearney


We are a Civil War infantry re-enacting unit located in Central Florida, strict on authenticity. We strive to be accurate in our impressions in dress, gear and mannerisms. We all share the same passion for understanding and attempting to experience what it felt like back in the days of our country's greatest conflict. For more information, we invite you to send your dispatch to Colonel Clay Kearney at or Captain Adam Bocken at

Our core company is the 2nd Florida Volunteer Infantry. We are under the umbrella of the 2nd Florida Volunteers Living History, Inc., a 501 (c) non-profit organization organized to further the awareness and understanding of our nation's War Between The States. We often galvanize and fight as the 2nd Wisconsin of the Iron Brigade. This allows us to fully immerse ourselves in the time period and attempt to "feel" the era. Our sister organization is the 2nd Florida Light Artillery and protrays both Confederate and Federal artillerists.

When we have the opportunity to march with multiple companies, we become the Florida Brigade which consisted of the 2nd, 5th and 8th Florida Regiments. Towards the later part of the War, the Florida Brigade added the 9th, 10th and 11th. Only the 2nd, 10th and 11th surrendered at Appomattox as the others were captured during Lee's Retreat.

Quite often we merge with other re-enactments such as Hardy's Brigade or the Florida Battalion. Both organizations are well respected and we are proud to unite or forces when necessary.  

Be well, and thank you for stopping by.

Your obedient servant,

Clay Kearney

Battalion Commander

Florida Brigade and Hardy's Brigade