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2nd Fl. Med. Corps.

Field Report

Feb. 25, 2014


To: Capt. Clay Kearney;


Cypress Cove - 21st, 22nd, 23rd, Feb. 2014


Sir, We established our med. unit near the battlefield at Cypress Cove. We were summoned there by Commander Glenn Richardson of the 11th Fl. in response to an expected conflict there. Our effort was not in vain. I must admit that I have never witnessed some of what had transpired there during those days.


The first day, many townspeople gathered and questioned us about what we were doing there and the methods with which we treat the soldiers brought to us. Soon they witnessed this first hand as the wounded and injured were brought in. We patched up a few soldiers and sent them on their way. However, one soldier was not so lucky as I had to remove his lower right leg. At this point, all was routine until a soldier ran into the hosp., removed his old worn boot, and proceeded to make off with the amputee's right boot. The hosp. guard gave chase when a second man with a bowie knife attempted to cut the left boot off the poor helpless fellow on the table. I gained control of the situation and all was well. The right boot was lost, but that poor soul will not need it.


Events of the second day left me wanting to partake of the medicinal whiskey.

The townspeople ever curious wanted to know what was going on and would there be any more engagement here? We said we did not know but would keep our post. The battle erupted again and there were many more casualties this day. To my surprise, a woman, apparently a spy, took a bullet in the left shoulder. Sir, I would have rather handled a live stick of dynamite than this devil woman. She was kicking her legs about like a angry mule and slapped me for trying to remove the bullet from her. Nurse Chelle was trying to administer chloroform to her unsuccessfully. I told that woman if she did not settle down I would shoot her myself. She was finally put out and the bullet removed and she was carried out and away. I attended to two more wounded men and performed one amputation without incidence. 


As I was writing this report, I noticed some soldiers playing poker nearby. This quickly escalated into a brawl and pistols were drawn. A man was shot right in front of me as I sat. My nurse ran and checked his pulse and covered him with a cloth, he had expired. All that was left to do then was yell for a preacher and "Burial Detail ", both of which responded promptly. I had never heard a prayer quite like the one the preacher gave over this man, which was  " May God receive this cheatin, lyin, varmint. Amen"


This concludes my report Captain.


As always I respectfully remain,

Yours in history,

Lt. Daniel R. Parenti

Field Surgeon

2nd Fl. Med. Corps.