Camp near Tampa

After Action Report - Otter Springs 2024

Captain Bocken,

I arrived in Otter Springs on 12 January to find a sinkhole had developed on the ground designated for our street.  Working with Lt. Col.Kohl and Capt. Turnbull of the 37th Alabama it was determined we would share the 37th's street and their campfire. Camp was established.  The unstable ground was cordoned off for safety.

QM Sgt. Griffith delivered our needed equipment, then had to leave to attend to family.  Upon arrival, I brevetted Pvt. Morrow Sullivan as a Corporal to assist with QM duties.  He performed this role expertly and with enthusiasm.

Saturday, a small Federal force crossed the Suwannee river near the end of the spring run.  The were met with resistance from a Southern force, but were able to push past and threaten the town of Levyville.  The 8th Florida, 37th Alabama and the 2nd Florida formed a line between the town and the approaching Federals.  We kept them engaged and were able to prevent them from overrunning the town.  Later that day, the Federals managed to enter the town for plunder.  Other Southern units were able to flush the enemy from the town and our brigade brought them to battle again.  The 2nd Florida was ordered to harass the enemy's artillery and did so successfully.  The Federal gun captain send out one of their guards to draw us away from the gun.  I split the force and sent 3 men to remove the threat of the artillery guard while the rest of the company poured fire into the gun and her crew.  Battle was halted shortly there after.

I would like to thank Capt. Allen Turnbull and the 37th Alabama for being gracious hosts to the 2nd Florida in camp due to the unstable ground.  As far as I am concerned, any of their soldiers are welcome to fall in with us or camp on our street anytime.

Most respectfully submitted,

Capt Tom Dye (bvt.